Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

After a couple years of making baked goods and sharing them with the "boys down the hall" - two fellow medical students that live down the hall from my husband (and now me!), one of them shared these cookies with me yesterday, and I instantly asked for the recipe. Today, I decided to try them, and will send them out to some friends that are still living on the East Coast.

These cookies were easy to make, just a small twist on the classic chocolate chip cookie recipes, that lends some softness and chewiness to the cookies, while cutting the butter some. One thing I especially loved about this recipe was that I got more than four dozen cookies out of the recipe! So, it's definitely worth the time.

Here's the dough. I love any kind of batter or dough, and would give this a 4 stars out of 5 for flavor.

And here's the delicious final product. Mmmm.

Recipe here.

Let me know what you think of the recipe and if you make any adjustments!


  1. Thanks for the link to Cooking Friend! :)

  2. Awww...I miss you Sara and your cookies! Can't wait to follow your blog.

  3. Who taught you to be such a good baker?? Hint Hint.
